Your team - because there is music within!

With StandUp Music your event participants experience an interactive jam session led by music professionals. In this exciting team-building event the workshop participants compose, text and create a new company song - off the cuff and under professional guidance of 3-4 workshop instructors. In less than an hour!


Ihr Team bestimmt wo’s lang geht

DThe staff can participate in creating the individual content interactively, consisting with the prepared song structure which was elaborated by us in advance. Your team also determines what's what.
he first reaction of the audience is mostly skeptical - how is this going to work? The initially faithless participants will be taught a lesson in a short time. It shows them that goals are well achievable if one gets involved with the specifications. Two of the four musicians play the drums and keyboard, and thus form the basis of the sound. They musically react live to the shouts of the people. Participants are divided into different groups in the hall and inspired and alternately encouraged to sing, clap, rap and make music. Existing items like tables, chairs, glasses and cutlery can be integrated rhythmic and musically into the performance of the song. Optionally easy to distribute hand instruments like Boomwhackers or Shaking Eggs can be used in the interactive jam session. This depends on the context, vision and budget. The combined use of baff- music chairs can be easily integrated if desired. 

In the first step guests are guided to a "groove". Based on that the workshop leaders question the audience. Possible headlines for the company motto and key subjects are directly combined together by the workshop leader / singer into a melody which is to be sung together. Drummer, keyboardist, singer and workshop participants complement each other in an interactive jam session.

If desired, headlines and company-specific content, which should play a role in the song can be adjusted together with our customers and prepared accordingly in advance. In this performance, the participants experience an inspired song, in parts newly created by them; they will enjoy a lot of fun and will definitely have a sense of achievement.

StandUp music can go without musical instruments. Participants are encouraged to sing, clapping, stamping.

Optionally, the following small instruments can be used:


The different lengths of the Boomwhackers determine the tone and pitch of the instrument. Therefore one can relatively easy produce a common rhythm with different sounds.


At the beginning Shaker or small Shaking Eggs are distributed among the participants, which are then integrated into the Music Stand UP-performance. Optionally, the Shaking-Eggs can be given to the participants as a give-away.

Cajon or "baff" music chairs

At the beginning of the event the workshop leaders and artists are on the stage and integrate any portion of the audience (number optional) in the implementation of the basic rhythm.


The entire audience is sitting on "baff" - musical chairs, which are integrated into the StandUp Music Performance.


UImplementation of an individual kick off staged with company executives, preparatory coaching

In "Secret Mission" the executives of the company are coached in workshops with a rhythm performance on "baff" - music stools. To the surprise of the participants a stunning solo contribution of managers or employees is created. The protagonists show a polished top performance, which will cause a sensation and enthusiasm.
For this we recommend two coaching sessions.


Ricardo Espinosa

Ricardo ist Perkussionist, Schauspieler und Tänzer und reiste mit internationalen Gruppen durch Europa. U.a. Pepe Habichuela, Tomatito, Rafael Riqueni, Moraito Chico.

Eva Letticia Padilla

Eva Letticia war als Vocal Coach, Co-Vocal-Produzentin und Autorin für verschiedene namhafte Künstler wie z. B. Star Search, Brosis, Martin Kesici, Tiefschwarz, u.v.m. tätig.

Dunja Koppenhöfer

Dunja ist staatlich anerkannte Musikpädagogin und spielte in den Musicals „Hair“, „Rent“ und „Joseph And The Amazing Technicoloured Dreamcoat“ mit.

Carlos Serrano del Rio

Carlos versteht es mit seiner Perkussion unerwartete Sounds zum richtigen Zeitpunkt zu platzieren. Er arbeitete u.a mit Chaka Khan, Helmut Zerlett, Gipsy Kings, Rolf Stahlhofen.

Alfred Mehnert

Alfred gründete das Ensemble "Euro-A-Gogo" und das Projekt "kids on drums". Außerdem gewann er den 1. Preis mit dem Deutsch-Rap "dass iss Frankfurt, so wie ichs kenn"

Jimmie Wilson

Schon als Kind ist er aktiv im Gospelchor, studierte Schauspiel in Hollywood und hatte seine erste große Hauptrolle im, von Michael Jackson produzierten, Musical „Sisterella“.

Nicole Bolley

Aufgewachsen in Westfalen schulte Nicole schon von Kindesbeinen an ihre Stimme. Nicole entwickelte sich schnell zu einer gefragten Sängerin, die mit ihrer aus-drucksstarken Stimme auf unzähligen Konzertbühnen, TV-Shows (Bravo-Super-Show...) und Festivals sang.

Dario Karkovic

Dario Karkovic ist seit 1990 als Profimusiker in Deutschland tätig. Dario stand schon mit vielen renomierten Künstlern auf der Bühne (Toto, Xavier Naidoo...) und ist aus der Musikszene nicht mehr wegzudenken. Seine musikalische Vielseitigkeit zeichnet ihn aus.

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